2013 uptime : 99.99999%

No network outages in 2013, another 100% uptime in both locations. 100% uptime for the VPS too. The worst problem was on a single server during a planned outage, a Saturday. The physical server has been changed in few hours, the hosted VPS were up & running far...

Super storm Sandy (update)

Very very bad storms on the East Coast, but we do not expect any downtime on our servers. Both data centers, in Chicago and in New-Jersey, have fully redundant power and cooling, huge redundant generator, ready for the worst. update: the fuel generator did the job in...

Connection from Android phone

My fingers are really too large, and I’ve never used a phone for this, but for emergencies, it works. The client used was this one, but their is a dozen of other clients, like 2X.

Go !

Finally, the web site is up, after some headaches. This is not our favorite hobby…

5 continents, 30 countries

We did some quick statistics, and found that we have customers for around 30 countries now, and from all continents. USA customers are the more, followed by Australians, Germans, Spanish, Canadians, Russians, and 24 other countries…