NinjaTrader 8 Network Replicator


– replicate orders from a master NinjaTrader instance to one or multiple (up to 30000…) NinjaTrader slaves

– avoid external servers to reduce the latency between master and slaves:

it’s a peer to peer communication between master and slaves

the latency between master will be basically the network latency between both machines

– follow the slaves orders/positions from a centralized interface, running on the master machine

Use cases:

– a “mentor” can replicate his trades on his students machines

– complex/heavy strategies can be replicated on clients machines while these clients don’t have the strategies code itself, and don’t have to manage them directly

– a CTA can replicate his trades on multiple clients accounts

Installation and configuration:

A documentation is included to setup everything but the main thing is: the slave machines must be able to see (on a network point of view) the master machine.


There is two separate indicators: one for the master, and one for the slave. Each one requires a license.

The management program, installed on the master to follow its slave(s) positions/orders, do not require a license.

For all these tools it’s a one time fee, and these prices may rise (depending on the functionalities added in the next releases and the amount support required for the initial setup).

Buy the NetReplicator master (and the GUI interface, 500€):

Buy the NetReplicator client (“slave” side, 150€):

If you’re not using PayPal please contact us and we’ll send you an invoice which can be paid by card.

After the payment please send us the NinjaTrader Machine ID specifying which is the master and which is the slave.

If you’re not using PayPal please contact us and we’ll send you an invoice which can be paid by card.

After the payment please send us the NinjaTrader Machine ID specifying which is the master and which is the slave.

Planned features:

– add a quantity ratio: 2 ES 03-23 bought on the master, 1 on a slave for example (done)

– optional order confirmation on the client’s side (done)

translate instrument, Emini to Emicro: 1 ES 03-23 bought on the master, 1 MES 03-23 bought on a slave (done)

– let the slave disable the indicator manually, without having to remove the indicator from the chart

– hedging: 1 NQ 03-21 bought on the master, 1 NQ 03-21 sold on a slave

– configurable port for the GUI

– log events on the GUI

slave indicators on other platforms (MultiCharts, MT4, …): delayed, not worth the effort

make the encryption of account name and address optional (done)

– add slave IP addresses in the GUI

– allow using a web server instead of the current GUI app. It will be able to monitor multiple masters (currently in beta).